EICR: Electrical Installation Condition Report
What is an EICR?
An EICR is an Electrical Installation Condition Report and is a formal document that is produced following an assessment of the electrical installation within a property. They are also often referred to by customers as a Landlord Safety Test or Homebuyers Test. However, the real question is do I need an Electrical Condition Report?
The simple answer is YES every installation requires one. Irrespective if it’s a home, business or property you rent out the Electrical Condition Report is a way of satisfying requirements for many legal documents. More often than not You cannot see the electrical installation and cables are usually hidden inside our walls and the consumer units are often hidden in cupboards, so it is not surprising that we forget to check for damage. There is more to the installation that what is visual and you will only ever been made aware once a EICR has been carried out.

What is inspected in an EICR?
During an EICR all parts of the installation will be inspected ranging from - The consumer unit or fuse-board, all wiring is fit for continued use, Electrical accessories are not showing signs of damage. This will be carried out by one of our approved electrical testers. We are an NICEIC registered company.
The National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) is one of several organisations which regulates the training and work of electrical enterprises in the UK. It was founded in 1956 as a voluntary regulatory body for the electrical contracting industries. With 60 year history they have been assessing the competence of both domestic and commercial electricians.
An EICR should only be carried out by a skilled and competent registered electrician with the experience to know what they are looking for.
What is the aim for the Electrical Installation Condition Report?
The four main aims of an electrical installation condition report are:
Record the results of the inspection and testing to make sure the electrical installation within the property is safe and to be used until the next inspection
Find any damage that might affect safety
Check any parts of the electrical installation that do not meet IET Wiring Standards.
Provide a record of the installations that have occurred during the inspection and for inspecting in the future.
Here at Lockesleys Electrical Services we pride ourselves on the quality and level of our testing with constant training to keep all members of the team up to date with the current regulations. It is carried out to establish the condition of the electrical installation with two outcomes: Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory.
Electrical faults are responsible for half of all UK house fires, It is important that you have all your electrical wiring serviced regularly. The benefits of an EICR outweighs the costs!

The electrical installations has been are maintained to a SATISFACTORY standard. The report stipulates that it is suitable for continued use with no defects or observations identified. They can also point out possible minor recommendations.
If the report indicates an UNSATISFACTORY standard, it means that faults have been identified that might not have been seen visually. A process of checks and tests will be conducted, and issues will be subsequently recorded to the Conditioning Report, including an explanation of why that electrical system failed the EICR. The faults will be recorded and graded with regards to the severity of the issue.
What is a EICR Certificate?

​Report Grades and what they mean?​
C1 = Danger Present (Risk of injury is likely and IMMEDIATE action is required)
C2 = Potentially Dangerous (Remedial action is needed URGENTLY)
C3 = Pass (The last classification code and the only one that can appear on a report and still; PASS)
The electrician that carries out the Electrical Installation Condition Report will fully explain each part of the report, starting with the initial quote and ending with a detailed conclusion. Even an explanation of any recommended remedial work will be provided, but hopefully won’t be necessary/required.

An EICR report must be carried out by a qualified Electrician
We conduct Electrical tests and surveys to all forms of electrical installations:
Communal spaces
Schools/educational establishments
Be safe, be smart and don’t be silly. Nothing to stop you to enquire for a free quote today. They only take a couple of hours to complete and let’s make sure the electrical systems are safe and correctly installed and maintained.